>What about the starving millions in the world who still do not get fed
>properly. Maybe with everyone switching over to fuel production this number
>will increase with some of those millions being in the countries of
>production. Oh well never mind rather than bread they can eat cake. In this
>case oil seed cake but whats the difference anyway? Hell they might even get
>a few additives as well. 370,000 million tons should only take up a few
>acres shouldnt it and maybe I dont need to worry.
>B.r.,  David

No you don't need to worry. Biofuels needn't compete with food 
production. We've covered this ground before. There's a great deal of 
information available on it.

One major point is that the starving millions in the world do not 
starve because there isn't enough food - there's more than enough 
food, more food per capita than there's ever been before, more than 
enough to make everyone fat.

There's no evidence that "switching over to fuel production" would 
have any effect at all on their situation.

Plenty of references for all this in the archives.

Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects


>----- Original Message -----
>To: <biofuel@yahoogroups.com>
>Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 10:14 AM
>Subject: [biofuel] biofuels vs petrofuels
> > Why does this not make a major political issue, seeing as how, with all
> > farmers, especially the small farmers with otherwise uneconomical
> > all need a new product, and this appears to be it.  Raise grain, etc, to
> > convert to biofuels, even set up your own biofuels conversion unit, and
> > provide the energy we need that could, it appears, even replace petro
> > altogether.  Ipsofacto: new products stabilizing a farm economy that
> > continually needs to be supported,  minimized national security problems
> > having to depend on the Arabs.  Less air pollution.  Emphasizing small
> > and appropriate technologies,  etc etc.  The only losers would be the big
> > companies, who, however, would somehow eventually take over with their
> > "economies of scale," etc.  Am I dreaming or what?  How do the Democrats
> > viiew this as an issue, or are they also bought off by the special
> >  Why hasn't this openly surfaced on the national agenda.    If only  as an
> > argument against "drill, drill, drill," and avoiding the ANWHR drilling --
> > biodiesel economy might even compete on a  time frame basis, considering
> > time required to build new refineries, build new pipelines, new drilling,
> > etc.  Make available some well-developed, small plant, plans, with listing
> > the materials required and some demonstrated results, and every farmer
> > get in the business.  Comments anyone  What is wrong with this and why
> > it been surfaced on a national scale, unless there is some vast conspiracy
> > going on to keep everything in the hands of the status quo?

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