On Wed, 1 Jul 2009, Blapp, Martin wrote:

I really was not my or Marcs intention to skip any discussions. Rwatson told us that if we like to see it in 8.0, we need to approve it by RE and commit it before the 1. of july, and that's what I've done. Sorry if I've upset anyone.

Personally I think the tool is quite handy, better than net/wol (which doesn't seem to work with different interfaces), wake doesn't need any strange libaries as dependencies and it just a very short one (4k)

If the concensus is to back it out, I'll back it out.

FWIW, I think having a wake-on-lan tool in the base system is pretty valuable -- it's compact, useful, etc. Making sure we get the right tool, that it has the right name, right license, no odd script dependencies, etc, are all reasonable concerns, and could have been handled better by addressing them on the lists before, rather than after, the commit (Marc's tool meets some but not all of these requirements on face value). That said, I am caught a bit by surprise at the level of my response, and was not aware of the NetBSD-side discussion...

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
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