Class::MixinFactory::alternatives - approaches to the same functionality

    A recent contribution to CPAN is Class::MixinFactory by Simon Cavaletto.
    Here we show two more ways to do the same thing in addition to the ones
    that Simon lists in the SEE ALSO section.

    One method relies on Leon Brocard's Language::Functional. The other
    relies on Toby Ovod-Everett's Class::Prototyped.

    I include here a file, which when run, produces output similar to the
    output from factory_class.t in the Class::MixinFactory distribution.

    It shows two new ways of doing this, the Language::Functional approach
    and the Class::Prototyped approach.


     use strict;
     use Language::Functional ':all';
     sub  _uc    { uc shift } ;
     sub bold    { sprintf "<b>%s</b>", shift } ;
     sub italics { sprintf "<i>%s</i>", shift } ;
     my @telescope = (\&_uc, \&bold, \&italics) ;
     my $o = foldl { my $seed = shift; my $func = shift; $func->($seed) } 
       "hello, world!", [EMAIL PROTECTED];
     warn $o;
     # ----------------------------------------------------------
     use Class::Prototyped ':EZACCESS';
     sub add2 { $_[1] + 2 };
     my $po;
     $po = Class::Prototyped->new
        uc_m => sub { uc $_[1] },
        italics_m => sub { italics $_[1] },
        bold_m => sub { bold $_[1] }
     my @agenda =  qw(uc_m italics_m);
     my @agenda2 = qw(bold_m italics_m uc_m);
     my $ret = foldl { my $seed = shift; my $meth = shift; $po->$meth($seed) }
       "hello, world!", [EMAIL PROTECTED];
     warn $ret;
     $ret = foldl { my $seed = shift; my $meth = shift; $po->$meth($seed) }
       "hello, world!", [EMAIL PROTECTED];
     warn $ret;
    We can compare these two implementations in a number of ways -
    readability, dynamic utility, object power, and sub power.

    Of the two implementations, the functional implementation is the easiest
    to read and follow.

  Dynamic utility
    The prototype implementation appears to be easier to manipulate
    dynamically. What I mean by easier to manipulate dynamically is that all
    one need do is specify a list of strings in order to build up a sequence
    of operations. Strings can come from many places, such as form data,
    databases, STDIN, etc. With the functional version, you would need to
    build yourself a dispatch table in order to get similar functionality.
    The table building is an intrinsic aspect of using Class::Prototyped. It
    must be done manually for the functional version.

  Object power
    Prototyped objects are powerful and flexible. They give one the
    advantage of objects without all the class-building. The functional
    version will not have the advantages of prototyped objects without
    creating objects and then references to the subroutines of those objects
    (I don't even know if that is possible).

  Sub power
    An advantage of the functional implementation is that you can use normal
    monadic functions just by passing a reference to them. With the
    prototyped implementation, you have to create an object wrapper for

    Perl offers a wealth of ways to solve problems. Simon's recent
    Class::MixinFactory solved a number of problems with the Mixin approach
    to runtime generation of "agendas for mixing behavior." He also makes
    mention of a number of other approaches and perhaps should mention
    Class::Delegation in addition.

    In this article, I have shown two more ways to mix behavior. The actual
    one to choose for software design remains open based on other aspects of
    the intended application.

    * Language::Functional
    * Class::Prototyped
    * CGI::Prototype
        That's right, if you like the prototyped way of doing this, there is
        a web application framework developed by Randal Schwartz which is
        based on Class::Prototyped. It is well thought out, well-designed
        and covers the functionality offered by earlier MVC frameworks with
        powerful, featureful controllers such as CGI::Application and Zanas.

    * The Perl Software::Design Mailing list

    U-MOKSHA\metaperl, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Copyright (C) 2004 by U-MOKSHA\metaperl

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.2 or, at
    your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

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