I feel your pain Josh.  We've both been ripped off together before.. 
Thanks for metioning this BTW, I was about to bid on the KQ :)  I have
learned that as long as eBay gets their fees they couldn't care less
about dishonest sellers, especially for petty amounts, and then tend to
favour whichever side involves them doing nothing.

The only useful suggestion I have is to take a look here if you haven't


It is a sort of We Hate Ebay site, with lots of very useful and
interesting information, including phone numbers etc.  Of course, I also
learned they generally refuse to discuss matters like this on the phone,
as they require a paper trail, and so prefer e-mails.  But that doesn't
stop you from calling and harassing them, ask to speak to management,
etc. and if you're lucky or persistent you may get somewhere.  The site
also has some good articles on how to avoid fraud, or what to do about
it.  Hope it helps a bit!

Howard Feldman, Author of The Search for Freedom
A Computer Fantasy Role-Playing Game
Visit its Homepage at http://home.golden.net/~feldman/SearchForFreedom/
Visit the Computer and Book RPG Museum at

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