I see, so practically I can't solve my problem this way..mumble..
..I'll search for another solution. It's that what I want to do is the
simplest thing I can think of but still seems to be impossible:D!...

On 22 Feb, 20:41, Aran Rhee <aran.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> SWFObject just sets the values you specify and writes it out to a crafted
> <object> tag (based on browser type etc). There is no "resizer" function in
> SWFObject.
> The point of using SWFObject is that it makes it easier to get your content
> into the page by taking of things for you (like browser detection,
> cross-browser api, dom event handling etc).
> You can hand craft your HTML to end up with the same functionality (and in
> the case of static embed in your original example, the only SWFObject
> functionality you are taking advantage of is ensuring that the swf is only
> written to the page if the user has the suitable Flash player (and invoking
> express install if not) - The rest of the markup you have typed in direct
> values anyhow)
> The overall dimensions of the swf will be determined by the values in the
> <object> tag in addition to any CSS sizing values which affect the
> container(s) which the swf is inside.

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