Dear SwiNOGers,

We are pleased to announce the first of its kind, "Special SwiNOG Event".

Special SwiNOG Events are here to gather ISPs together with topics that would 
not fit into a "Classic" SwiNOG event. Either because the topic itself is a bit 
off the usual SwiNOG topics or because the SwiNOG audience is not appropriate 
(maybe too specialized, concerning only CTOs or CEOs, ...).

So, for the first of its kind, we organise an event about "Shared Lawful 
Intercept Platforms".

As we all know, in the last year, we had some interesting surprises from ÜPF, 
especially regarding the costs to build up an IP interception platform. Some 
vendors/integrators come now with shared solutions that can be used by multiple 
ISPs at the same time in order to save costs. We have chosen two of them and 
given them the opportunity to present their solution to a SwiNOG audience.

If you're working for an ISP and you're not directly involved with Lawful 
Intercept, please forward this invitation to your CTO/CEO (Presentations are 
not only technical). Please also note that both of the presented solutions will 
behave better if the ISPs form an association to defend their interests and 
save money. If you're interested to be founder member of such an ISP 
association, please drop me an email.

The event is FREE for the participants and is kindly sponsored by the 
presenters. We have a room for 50 persons.

Location: Hotel Ador, Bern
Date: 13 Oct. 2010, 13h00

    - 13h00 Welcome by SwiNOG
    - 13h15 LI Update from ÜPF
    - 13h30 Solution by HP/Verint
    - 15h30 Break
    - 16h00 Solution by Dreamlab Technologies
    - 18h00 Apéro

Registration to the event:

If you have questions, feel free to email us.

Pascal Gloor
SwiNOG Organisation
CH-8000 Zurich

swinog mailing list

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