Dear Swinogers

We use smsd to send our nagios alarms via a GSM usb stick.

I'm looking for some advice after I was not able to find a working

The mobile operator we use has a somewhat short queue to accept SMS
and when a recipient is not getting the SMS (mobile off during vacation
or whatever) this sms blocks the queue until it expires. If the queue is
full, no more sms are being accepted.

The SMS are being sent with a default validity period of 7 days. So
they expire from the queue after this period. Well, the easy solution
would be to sent the period to a couple of hours. No need for techs to
get old SMS.

What I did is:

AT+CSMP=17,143,0,0 // Set Validity Period to 12 hours.
AT+CSAS // Save settings to SIM

If I query the settings:


I see these values are set. But after contacting the mobile operator to
check if the VP is correct, he tells me we still send them with default
7 days.

Does anyone have a hint on how to set the VP correctly via AT commands?

Kind regards

-BenoƮt Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    Leiter Commerce Kunden

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