Yeah, that's probably something I need to do in the spec.  Too used to 
writing URI, need to get new habbits.  Pretty sure AtomPub says IRI (off 
the top of my head without looking), and the Abdera library that I'm 
playing with explicitly deals with IRIs.  Thanks for bringing that up.



On 15/03/11 09:37, Ian Stuart wrote:
> Having been playing with Linked Data recently, I've had to review URIs
> in light of a global dataset.
> I don't know if this is something that needs to feed back to the ATOMPUB
> people, or can be implemented locally.... however URIs should really be
> IRIs (RFC 5122 - )
> (host iri: http://الاعلي-للاتصالات.قطر - resolves to a real host too :) )

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