Hello guys,

Rather than dialog on this in the DSpace lists.  I've joined the SWORD lists
and will present the current status of the Maven release processes for SWORD
and Foresite.

Earlier today/yesterday, we finalized registration with the sonatype Maven
repository tools to support our releasing Foresite and SWORD via the


The account setup is complete in oss.sonatype.com.  I can now complete Maven
releases to the repository.  Perhaps we can discuss the next steps in the
process for everyone to understand.

Sonatype attempts to assure that content going into the Central Repositories
adheres to certain best practices. They are trying to improve the quality of
the Repository by requiring the following:

a.) source and javadoc artifacts are released for every binary jar artifact
released to the central repo.
b.) releases are gpg signed to assure an authenticity of the packages
c.) certain standards are required for the contents of the POM. We will
review these details during the release process.

I've done a snapshot deployment which does not require commit rights on the
svn repository.  Commit rights on the repository will be required if I do a
more formal release. Snapshots do not end up in central repository.  Here is
the current snapshot path.


Next steps will be to get the SWORD server modules into a sufficient state
for release.  I notice a few things:

1.) http://sword-app.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/sword-app/JavaServer2.0/

This doesn't have a svn project structure to it (trunk,tags,branches).  The
release process benefits from having this structure in place, it would be
good to move things into this consistent structure.

2.) Understanding the release process dependencies.  You want to setup the
following in your own local build environments so that you to can complete
your own releases.


3.) I can released a version of SWORD into the SNAPSHOT repository, I may
need to reorganize the pom to be a "war" module and release the java classes
as a separate jar.

4.) to do the final release, I (or whoever else runs the release process)
will need to have svn commit rights to commit the "tag" version to your svn.


Mark R. Diggory
@mire - www.atmire.com
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