Dear Wes,

The files I threw together are still very much a prototype / proof of
concept.  But with that warning, everything you need to build libsword
for android is included in the svn repository for the SWORD engine.  You
can get the source here:

svn co sword/

The Bishop code is merely a bunch of calls to try out and help develop
the libsword bindings and really aren't worth checking in anywhere, but
if you'd like me to post them for an example, I can certainly do that.

Please again realize these android jni wrappers are fragile and
incomplete.  Please feel free to improve them, but please don't count on
them working dependably.

Build instructions.

You'll need an NDK with STL support.  I have been trying crystax release
lately.  You can find it on the web.

After that, you'll need a basic file to place in your
apps folder.  Mine for bishop is here:


and contains:

APP_PROJECT_PATH := $(call my-dir)/../../../src/bishop
APP_MODULES      := sword swordcore
APP_PLATFORM     := android-3

and I have a symlink:

~/src/bishop/jni -> ~/src/sword/bindings/java-jni/jni/

~/src/sword is simply a checkout of the current sword svn repository.

Hope this helps get you started.  Let me know your progress!


Wes Widner wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I'm new to this list so forgive me if it's answered elsewhere and I've
> simply overlooked it. Where is the source code for the android project
> that uses the sword library via jni?
> Also, does anyone know how I should go about building the jni library
> for sword? I can mange to build the .java interface files, but I am
> having trouble figuring out where to build the system library (the .so
> file).
> Any help is much appreciated!
> Blessings,
> -Wes
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