I don't know if I'm just blind or if these aren't public, but I cannot find the OSIS (or whatever format) code for individual SWORD modules in the Crosswire repository. Specifically I'm trying to find the source for the AKJV module. I'd like to take the code and parse it myself for a project of my own (I'm trying to typeset the AKJV translation using LaTeX, and may want to do the same sort of thing with other modules). As it is, I'm having to open the modules in Xiphos, and then copy and paste their text one chapter at a time into my formatting tools, which is... cumbersome. If I could get the source code for the modules, I could just write a parser that would do the whole job for me in one go.

Are the OSIS sources kept private intentionally? If not, where would I find them to download them?

(Note that I understand why some modules' source code might be private, for things like the NASB module. But it would be nice if the code for public domain or otherwise permissively licensed modules were available for public download.)

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