Hey guys,

I just wanted to post here this random list of things I intend to update for the next version of Bishop.  If anyone is interested in helping or giving ideas, I would love collaborators.


*Bishop todo*



   Space between verse number and first character of text for better
   copy and paste


   Help users know when they should add modules: in commentary view
   [Install More Commentaries], strong lex, daily devotional, gen book
   view, etc.


   Option to migrate data files to different locations.


   Option to add augment folders from other apps.


   See if there is a way to select down a column for selection of
   multiple verses when in parallel view.


   Option to backup and restore notes, modules, and bookmarks, Google


   Bookmark tree, maybe from BibleCS


   ECM preload test and enable menu on Verse Study selection


   Manuscripts main menu option and integrate the mobile NTVMR


   Option to turn on other VMR sites, like CoptOT, Vetus Latina, etc.


   Some visualization for RB


   At a glance with a gradient color percentage, over max witnesses
   cell (John 18?)


   Toggle to pannable grid view with locked 1st row/column. Find a nice
   grid control.


   Ship INTF current data for RB, show date of data


   Tab to show INTF work progress bar chart along with button to update
   RB data.


   Google Maps integration for manuscripts.


   Simple indexing tool.


   VMR Login credentials.


   Update to best Hebrew and Greek lexicons.


   Add "show NT usage" to lexicon entry.


   See if there is a Perseus option to facilitate a "show extra
   Biblical usage."


   See if we can delay load image thumbnails on demand/scroll.


   Language assist, 3 panel. Add bottom panel with current verse of 2nd
   selected Bible and sync word highlighting with dictionary scroll and
   primary Bible.

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