finally gerryvdm from the #symfony irc channel gave me a good answer:

[17:12] gerryvdm: the goal is to prevent users unwillingly perform
"actions" on your site, which really only should be possible when
submitting a form
[17:13] gerryvdm: never use GET requests for destructive operations
[17:15] gerryvdm: GET for reading resources, POST for modifying them
[17:15] sriley: spiders will follow get requests, they wont post
[17:15] gerryvdm: and everything, from browsers to web crawlers are
designed around that principle
[17:16] gerryvdm: for example, browsers also ask if you really want to
resend a form when refreshing
[17:18] gerryvdm: read this
[17:19] estahn: ok, i give you a short example ... i have news on a
page. every news has a close-link. if you press it the news will
disapear (/news/read/id/3) ... now there is a unobstrusive possibility
through javascript to that i dont need to refresh the page. so this
will work but i would like to have csrf in this link to secure its
from the origin sender
[17:21] gerryvdm: estahn: then a user with a web accelerator that
prefetches links shows up
[17:21] gerryvdm: it should be POST and POST only
[17:21] gerryvdm: and you can always style forms to look like links
[17:23] estahn: the post shows a good point ... but wouldnt csrf in
links aviod this problem?
[17:23] gerryvdm: no
[17:23] gerryvdm: that user with a web accelator has a valid session
and will pass any csrf check
[17:24] gerryvdm:
[17:24] gerryvdm: it exists, dont assume these things dont happen
[17:24] gerryvdm: "According to the HTTP 1.1 specification, the GET
method is defined as a Safe Method which "SHOULD NOT have the
significance of taking an action other than retrieval.""

On 20 Jan., 23:03, Enrico Stahn <> wrote:
> Hi absalito,
> I'm already familiar with the topic in general, but thanks for mention
> wikipedia because of: "The attacker must determine the right values
> for all the form's or URL's inputs". This means for my understanding
> URLs are a valid possibility to request actions that change data,
> therefore they need protection.
> Did you read the mentioned ticket, I guess this is a very good
> explanation of what my concern is all about. So, the question above is
> not aboutCSRFin general but rather why links aren't protected withCSRFin 
> symfony.
> Kind regards
> Enrico
> On 20 Jan., 22:46, absalito <> wrote:
> > "CSRF" is about protecting forms of "spamming", adding a field
> > generated at runtime that identifies the form as unique.
> > if the form is used otherwise than through the application, the field
> > for "csrf" will not be valid, and therefore it will be identified as
> > an attack.
> > see it on wikipedia
> >
> > i apologize for my horrible english.. im' using google translator :)
> > On Jan 20, 5:06 pm, Enrico Stahn <> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I've wondered if it is uncommon to protect "normal" links against
> > > attackers. I have found a feature request for this issue but no
> > > response since one year.
> > >
> > > Maybe i misunderstood the concept ofcsrfin this case. Could somebody
> > > give me clarification about this?
> > > Thanks
> > > Enrico

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