Hi, the regstration link seems ok.
(I gave you the wrong one yesterday, sorry)

The routing role "sf_guard_register" you added doesn't seem to be
"right". The plugin should register its own routing roles by itself.

Try to delete your "sf_guard_register" role and see what happens.

If it still does not work check if the plugin it is activated in your
ProjectConfiguration.class.php file.

Hope this helps.

On 15 February 2010 10:18, Fruitlover <krizhel...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> how about in register? i made the link in the standard
> signinSuccess.php template in
> my login template,
> <a href="<?php echo url_for('@sf_guard_register) ?>"><?php echo
> __('Register Now') ?></a>
> and i add this in my apps/frontend/config/routing.yml :
> sf_guard_register:
>  url:   /reg
>  param: { module: sfGuardRegister, action: register }
> I  also enable the module in apps/frontend/settings.yml
> but it seems that it cannot find the page, it display :
> Action "reg/register" does not exist.
> How can i fix that to the point it can display the register page?

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