You must only pass the keys of your $modulo array to validator :

$this->validatorSchema['id_modulo'] = new sfValidatorChoice(
      array('choices'  => array_keys($modulos))

wueb wrote:
Hi mates,

I'm having a problem in this piece of code:

$modulos = array ( 1 => "option 1", 2 => "option 2");

$this->widgetSchema['id_modulo'] = new sfWidgetFormSelectCheckbox(
        array('choices'  => $modulos)

$this->validatorSchema['id_modulo'] = new sfValidatorChoice(
        array('choices'  => $modulos)

I have a checkbox and a validator. The problem is when i submit the
form, the checkbox validator send me always a "Invalid." message!!

Anyone have a idea why is this happening?

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