Wow, just find why.

Because from symfony 1.3 class in vendor don't load automatically, if you
wan to do so, just include this in autoload.yml

here is the doc:

it works now, cool

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dong YANG <>
Date: 2010/3/11
Subject: Event dispatcher can't find the class in lib/vendor

Hello everyone,

        I would like use Event dispatcher to call one third party method in
*lib/vendor/*, but it doesn't work. the dispatcher can't find this class.
But when I use one class in *lib/*, it works, I don't know why the first
test doesn't work.

        Here is my code:

        class SomeClass {
protected $dispatcher = null;

public function __construct(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher)
  $this->dispatcher = sfContext::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher();

public function someMethod(){
   // some code
   $event = new sfEvent($this, 'api.update_message', array('message' =>
   if (!$event->isProcessed())
      throw new sfException(sprintf('Call to undefined method %s::%s.',
get_class($this), 'api.insert_chatbotmessage'));


       in *lib/vendor/* :

        class Target {
           static public function listenToInsertMessage(sfEvent $event) {
   $message = $event['message'];
   // some code

   return true;

       When I call another listener in *lib/* , everything goes fine, so I
wonder if symfony not include classes from *lib/vendor* by default?

       Any suggestion is welcome.

       Thanks a lot.


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security at

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