I'm having some problems with using relations and doctrine:generate-admin. I have two tables, call them Users and Umbrellas. There is a one-to-many relation between Users and Umbrellas, specifically ...

class Umbrella extends sfDoctrineRecord {
    public function setUp ()
$this->hasOne ('User as owner', array ('local' => 'owner_id', 'foreign' => 'id'));

The User::setUp function does not specify a relation with Umbrella.

I want to make an admin interface that allows admins to create Umbrella objects. The first issue is that the widget created to input the owner_id is an sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice which makes a select-type input with every possible user id. This is undesirable for 2 reasons, first there are far too many users (> 100,000) to populate a select-type input. Secondly, it is much more intuitive to specify a user by username instead of by numeric id.

I took care of this first issue by overriding the auto-generated widget/validator, i.e. ...

class UmbrellaForm extends BaseUmbrellaForm {
    public function configure ()
        parent::configure ();

        $this->setWidget    ('owner_id', new sfWidgetFormInput ());
        $this->setValidator ('owner_id', new UserValidator ());

    public function updateDefaultsFromObject ()
        parent::updateDefaultsFromObject ();

$this->setDefault ('owner_id', $this->getObject ()->owner->username;

class UserValidator extends sfValidatorString {
    public function doClean ($value)
        $value = parent::doClean ($value);

        $user = UserTable::getByUsername ($value);

/* check if a valid user, check if user is allowed to own an umbrella, etc. */

        return $user->id;

The above works pretty handily for associating an existing user with an umbrella. I'm including it in this post in case I'm doing something improperly or if it's complicating my unresolved issue, which is ... I am not able to properly create _new_ Umbrella objects with the admin interface.

One of the first things that the admin interface does after receiving a new umbrella form submission is to create a new, empty Umbrella object _and_ a new, empty User object. When the admin inputs a username for the owner_id, instead of just inserting a new umbrella row with the owner_id set, it also tries to insert an entirely new user row into the database with an already extant username.

So, my question is ... How can I convince the admin interface not to create a new instance of a foreign relation?

Jim Krehl

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