Hello all,

Another newbie question.  I've spent several days hunting for a way to
determine if a user has been authenticated or not from within

Reading the API (symfony 1.4) I thought one of the three boolean
functions below would let me know if a user object is instantiated or
not, but they don't.  My goal is to check first and not call the
get('user') function unless the user  object has been instantiated.
The 'if' tests below yield the same results regardless of whether or
not I've logged in a user using the sfGuardPlugin.  I'm in the wrong
track it seems, but given that I'm attempting to execute this code
from layout.php, not sure what the correct approach should be.  Any
advice would be greatly appreciated. I note that config shows "symfony/
user/sfUser/authenticated: true"  and alternatively I've been trying
to figure out how to access that info, but with no luck.


  fwrite ($file, "hasInstance\n");
  fwrite ($file, "has\n");
  fwrite ($file, "offsetExists\n");
$user = sfContext::getInstance()->get('user');
fwrite ($file, $user.": \n");

  symfony/user/sfUser/attributes: { symfony/user/sfUser/attributes:
{  }, admin_module: { sfGuardUser.sort: [username, asc],
sfGuardGroup.sort: [null, null], sfGuardPermission.sort: [null, null],
student_class_standing.sort: [class_of_year, desc], payment_type.sort:
[null, null], student.sort: [last_name, asc],
transaction_receipt.sort: [paid_date, desc], student_fee.sort: [null,
null], institution.sort: [null, null] }, symfony/user/sfUser/flash:
{  }, symfony/user/sfUser/flash/remove: {  }, sfGuardSecurityUser:
{ user_id: '2' } }
  symfony/user/sfUser/authenticated: true
  symfony/user/sfUser/credentials: [admin_permission,
frontoffice_permission, reports_permission, backoffice_permission]
  symfony/user/sfUser/culture: en
  symfony/user/sfUser/lastRequest: 1269561611

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