
I'm on a new project, I've installed the new version of the plugin.

//part of schema
    extends: edsProduitLiterie
    type: column_aggregation
    keyField: object_class
    keyValue: edsProduitLiterieSommier

    extends: edsDimensionsLL
    type: column_aggregation
    keyField: object_class
    keyValue: edsDimensionsLiterie
      type: integer(4)
      class: edsProduitLiterie
      local: id
      foreign: id
      type: one
      foreignType: many
      foreignAlias: dimensions
      owningSide: false

//in the edsProduitLiterieForm class
 * @see edsProduitForm
public function configure()
if( !$this->isNew() )
'opposite'=>'literie', // << see latest part of this email
'newFormLabel'=>'Add new Dimension',

Then I can create an edsProduitLiterieSommier but when sf returns me the
edit form, its form's action is not good :
<form action="*/backend_dev.php/produits/literies/sommiers/*"
method="post"><input type="hidden" value="put" name="sf_method">    <input
type="hidden" id="eds_produit_literie_sommier_id" value="1"
name="eds_produit_literie_sommier[id]"><input type="hidden"

And when I comment the embedRelations in the edsProduitLiterieForm, it comes
all good again :
<form method="post"
action="/backend_dev.php/produits/literies/sommiers/1"><input type="hidden"
name="sf_method" value="put" />

This line is written by the template _form.php @line 5:
<?php echo form_tag_for($form, '@eds_produit_literie_sommier') ?>

I really don't understand what's going wrong with this.

Anyone can help me ??

Thanks !!!

Anyway, I have managed to change a few things :

-the way it is coded to link the related object to the context object is not
clear to me as it uses the get_class instead of the real relation name. I've
changed the code to look like this:
if (Doctrine_Relation::MANY === $relation->getType())
            $newFormObjectClass = $relation->getClass();
            $newFormObject = new $newFormObjectClass();
            $newFormObject[$relations[$relationName]['opposite']] =
          } else
            $newFormObject = $this->getObject()->$relationName;

Then in the embedRelations array I add a "opposite" to tell which opposite
relation to use to link objects. I didn't been able to "guess" the
foreignAlias from either sides.

-In the doBind method, I have managed to add this code:

@line 140
$identifier =
if(isset($relationValues['delete_object']) && $relationValues[$identifier])
Before, it was 'id' which is not very versatile. I think it does the job in
almost all cases (except when identifier is an array), I didn't managed the

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