On Mo, 2010-12-20 at 11:07 +0100, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> I'd like to solicit some feedback about configuring local sync, in
> particular command line options for it. I'm still debating this with
> myself, so consider the following email as "thinking aloud"...
> As you might remember from the "local sync" mail thread, local sync uses
> two configurations (using a "foo" server implementing some protocol
> "bar" as example):
>      1. "source" config @foo defines sources which access "foo" using
>         the "bar" protocol; source-config@foo provides additional
>         per-peer settings like a URL or username/password
>      2. "sync" config foo has syncURL=local://@foo and does a sync
>         involving local databases (the same ones also used with other
>         peers) and the databases accessible via @foo
> The original plan was to avoid the need for the source-config@foo
> settings. But that neglected that credentials for "foo" should be tried
> to the @foo context, instead of putting them elsewhere, and that there
> was no other property which could have been used for the URL, to name
> just one example.
> This setup with two configs leads to two usability problems:
>       * How can such a config be created from a template? "syncevolution
>         --configure foo" would be nice.

I said earlier that I wanted to to postpone this until after 1.2.
There's now more interest again in SyncEvolution in MeeGo also as the
main sync daemon with its own configuration, and for that we need a
solution. So let's revisit the topic.

Another open issue is storing credentials and advanced authentication
methods. We now have the situation that the Google username/password are
needed for the "google" template (= SyncML, contacts) and
"google-calendar" (= CalDAV, events). There should be some way of only
storing them once such that they get used everywhere.

Advanced authentication methods are primarily for CalDAV/CardDAV: some
servers might work with special cookies in the HTTP requests, with those
cookies obtained by some SSO daemon (like the one in Maemo Harmattan). 

> Templates for local sync
> ========================
> The current set of templates provide properties for just one
> configuration, the one which uses SyncML to talk to a server or a
> client. Creating a local sync involves creating two configs.
> There is no 1:1 mapping between the two. It is possible to define the
> @foo sources, then synchronize them with a) the @default sources with
> foo@default and b) with a second set of sources in @bar config with
> foo@bar.
> In the "syncevolution --configure foo" invocation, "foo" is the name of
> the sync config. But what is the name of the source config? I propose
> the following heuristic:
>       * if syncURL=local:// (no explicit context): use @foo for peer
>         name foo[@context]
>       * if syncURL=local://@bar: use @bar

I've come to the conclusion that shoe-horning this "create source config
automatically" approach into the command line tool just isn't worth it.
"syncevolution --configure ... foo" should touch config "foo" and "foo"
alone. Otherwise we get into lots of tricky corner cases, like which
sources will be configured in "configure foo bar".

It's still useful to have the extended templates with default values for
sync and source config. That way it is possible to define that
"google-calendar" is a local sync with CalDAV in the source config.

An extended template "foo" would define properties for the sync config
"foo" and properties for one or more  configs; only one would be used in
practice now.

Then the command line operations pick up the values from the extended
template depending on which config they are manipulating. Let's look at
an example:

> A template for "foo" then might look like this:
> --------------------
> === template.ini ===
> fingerprint = Foo Server
> description = sync with Foo using protocol Bar
> === config.ini ===
> PeerIsClient = 1
> syncURL = local://

This needs to be "local://@foo" under the revised proposal.

> === sources/addressbook/config.ini ===
> sync = two-way
> uri = addressbook
> === config.ini@source-config@foo ===
> syncURL = http://foo.com/
> === sources/addressbook/config.ini@foo ===
> uri = /contacts
> type = Bar Protocol
> --------------------

"--configure foo" => use config.ini and sources/addressbook/config.ini
from template "foo"

"--configure --template=foo xyz" => same

"--configure source-config@foo" => pick template "foo", use
config.ini@source-config@foo and sources/addressbook/config.ini@foo

"--configure @foo" => pick template "foo", use only

> In the D-Bus interface, this would be returned by GetConfig() with "" as
> key for "config.ini", "source-config@foo" for config.ini inside the
> source-config@foo config, "sources/addressbook" for
> sources/addressbook/config.ini and sources/addressbook@foo for
> sources/addressbook/config.ini@foo.

Now, in the D-Bus interface such an extension of the API is a different
matter. The hashes in GetConfig/SetConfig extend much more naturally to
the additional entries than the command line parameters.

> My hope is that sync-ui will simply preserve these additional entries in
> the hash. When it does a "SetConfig()" call with the modified hash
> (credentials inserted, sync mode for "adddressbook" set), these
> additional entries tell the syncevo-dbus-server to do its magic and also
> configure the @foo context. The advantage is that no or only minimal
> changes to sync-ui and D-Bus interface will be needed.
> The drawback is that this additional magic increases the complexity. For
> example, SetConfig() is called for the "foo" config, but suddenly ends
> up modifying a different config.

I think this is acceptable.

> Password handling in local sync
> ===============================
> Credentials in the sync config are not needed for the sync itself,
> because the peer is part of the same process. But users and frontends
> like the GTK sync-ui are used to setting credentials in the sync config.
> Therefore I suggest that local sync should always apply sync credentials
> to the context it is synchronizing with, if they are set in the sync
> config. If they are empty, the values from the source config are used.

That's how it works now and I intend to keep it.

But it needs to be extended for advanced credentials. Here's my
proposal. Let's look at the current status.

We have "username", "password", "syncURL" properties. If "password" is
"-", then reading credentials looks up the password based on the given
username and the syncURL in the GNOME keyring (or soon, KWallet). The
"server" and "user" keys are used as search filter, with "server" equal
to the syncURL minus the method prefix (i.e., http:// and https://

Storing a "password" not equal to "-" will automatically set the
password value in the keyring if its usage is enabled (on by default in
the D-Bus server, off in the command line).

Retrieving the config via D-Bus transparently retrieves the credentials
and sends them to the D-Bus client.

I'd like to extend this so that the username doesn't have to be know in
advance, and so that CalDAV and SyncML can refer to the same server
despite having different syncURLs.

Here's how:

"credentials = URI": Defines where credentials are stored. The empty
string (default) is the traditional approach.
"gnome://server=<server>[&user=<user>]" takes username and password from
the corresponding entry. "kde://" does the same for KWallet.
"keyring://" is an alias for the default keyring (depends on how the
binary was compiled and runtime environment). Saving a config will
always update the "credentials" property with the actual location.

Here are some use cases for this:
      * The "google" and "google-calendar" configs  will have
        "credentials = keyring://server=google" set. In the case of
        "google-calendar", both the sync and source configs have that.
        That way all three configs use the same username/password
        automatically. It forces command line users who do not want to
        or can't use a keyring to configure with empty "credentials";
        they can't share credentials.
      * After configuring via the D-Bus interface, the command line will
        automatically enable the right access method for the
        credentials. It is no longer necessary to explicitly say
        "syncevolution --keyring".
      * A future extension would use either a different method or
        additional parameters in the URI to define some other
        authorization method. The current implementation must throw an
        error when running into something it doesn't know.

Nothing needs to be done in the UI or the command line to support this.
The only changes will be in the current code which talks to the

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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