Chris, Rainer:

Your presentation references syslog-international as future work. Does
this still hold true?

I thought by specifying Unicode and UTF8 we will already handle
internationalization in syslog-protocol.  The only current exceptions I
can think of are maybe support for Unicode in structured elements (which
is easy to allow) and international DNS names which we did not
explicitly mention in -protocol.

If these are the only things left for internationalization of -protocol,
then maybe we should just include it -protocol. This should not expand
it by more than 1-5 paragraphs, and if it saves us from doing a whole
separate ID, I think it is worth it.  We can either support the
"punnycode" (ASCII encoding of Unicode DNS names used in DNS) or allow
Unicode UTF8 in HOSTNAME.

For punnycode details see RFCs 3490, 3491, 3492 and 3454. But I am not
clear we should support punnycode.  This is something that DNS supports
in order to be able to re-use existing DNS server/client implementations
which don't support Unicode. I think it would be a good idea to just
stick to Unicode and insure we meet the length requirements of
international DNS names (I don't know what they are but can find out).

Are there other areas of internationalization for -protocol?


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Lonvick
> Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 8:08 PM
> Subject: Meeting Today
> Hi Folks,
> I've updated our Agenda for today's meeting.

This contains all of the presentations and our overall purpose for
meeting at this IETF.  I don't mean to hog the microphone but I'll be
giving the presentations for Jon, Rainer and Anton.

I'm still looking for a scribe and jabberer.  Please send me email to
let me know if you can do either.  Also, we're in Gardenia-A2.  That's
the room next to the Terminal Room and is easy to miss.


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