Le lundi 02 mai 2005 à 08:47 -0700, Alexander Clemm (alex) a écrit :

> The structured data  is an extremely important concept, as this provides for
> extensibility and separates the "core" fields from the "extension" fields.
> For the structured data, would it make sense considering to reserve a prefix
> character (for example, the underscore character) for the SD-name that
> should not be used for vendor-defined SD elements, so that if later
> extensions to the syslog protocol are standardized in form of new SD
> elements there won't be conflicts - or vice versa, to require vendor
> extensions to start with it?    

Please correct me if I am wrong but i think this issue is already

>From grammar:
      SD-ELEMENT      = "[" SD-ID 0*(1*SP SD-PARAM) "]"
      SD-ID           = SD-NAME
      SD-NAME         = 1*32OCTET ; VALID UTF-8 String
                        ; except '=', SP, ']', %d34 (")

---------------- draft 11 -------------------
6.3.2  SD-ID

   IANA controls ALL SD-IDs without a hyphen ('-') in the second
   character position.  SD-IDs are case-sensitive and uniquely identify
   the type and purpose of the SD-ELEMENT.  Experimental or vendor-
   specific SD-ID MUST start with "x-".  Anything that doesn't is
   managed by IANA.  The same SD-ID MUST NOT exist more than once in a

To my understanding a vendor-defined SD-ID can not conflict with a
standardize one. 

BTW, i find 6.3.2 quite unclear. Firstly we say that IANA controls all
SD-ID without a - in second position.

        IANA controlled:

        (probably) Not IANA controlled:

Then we add "Anything that doesn't is managed by IANA.". So, finally,
"z-yyyy" and "a-b-c" are controlled by IANA...

Confusing isn't it ?

Theses two sentences are not contradictory; the second one defines a
larger set of SD-ID.

Am I wrong ?

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