
So that you know how we will handle issues that are raised for duments
that have been submitted to the AD.

Once we submit the document it goes it into the ID tracker, and under
IESG control. We are not allowed to revise the document unless
instructed to do so by the area director.

People will continue to find new small problems in the drafts that
need correcting. This is going to happen. It is very common. Here is
how we handle those issues.

You can raise the issue on the WG list, or simply raise it with the

The chairs will decide whether it is in scope. Spelling and grammar
are in scope. Technical clarifications are in scope. New technical
matter is generally out of scope, unless the protocol is broken
without the fix (and the WG agrees). The chairs will need to be
convinced a technical change is really required and not just an

Since editorial changes make it more difficult to see the requested
changes, even editorial changes will be subject to chair/shepherd
approval; if it isn't broken, we may decide to not fix it. We
definitely do NOT want the editors to decide they could rewrite whole
sections of text to be more elegant. We do not want changes at this
point if we can help it.

For editorial changes (spelling, grammar, contact info, etc.) the
changes will be kept by the editors in a working draft, but not
published. Remember, we are not allowed to publish revisions once it
has been submitted, except by request of the AD. As new issues arise,
we can address them in the working draft, but not publish. 

There will be a delay before the AD finishes his review and brings it
to the rest of the IESG for review. At some point he will almost
certainly ask us for a new document to address issues to that point,
before he asks the rest of the IESG to perform their reviews. That is
the point at which we can publish a revision.

David Harrington

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