Hi Glenn, 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Glenn M. Keeni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> 1.11> > 23) syslEntOpsMsgsIgnored - where are the "allowed
>      > > specifications"
>      > > defined? We don't want a value that can be interpreted
>      > > differently by
>      > > different entities, because then the values canot be
>      > > across
>      > > systems, or have consistent baselines for comparison across
>      > > products,
>      > > etc.  Objects shoud be defined to be interoperable and
>      > > unambiguous.
>      Partially fixed. This is still ambiguous, and could be 
> interpreted
>      in different ways by different implemnenters resulting in
>      non-interoperability. This needs to be unambiguous as to 
> what gets
>      counted.
>      This object counts things outside the "allowed specifications"
>      again
>      I ask where are the allowed specfications defined so an 
> implementer
>      knows what they are?
> Response.
>      The allowed specifications are in the protocol document. 
> There are
>      several MUST clauses. Some clauses explicitly mention that if
>      MUST condition is not met the message MAY be discarded, 
> some don't.
>      E.g.  Sec. 6.1 Message length, Sec. 6.2 HEADER.

We want to ensure consistency in what is counted; Will you please
enumerate which conditions should be counted in this object. List
which MUST clauses are relevant to this object, and which are not, and
make it clear that ONLY these conditions should be counted. 

We should consider counting these conditions separately rather than
counting them in an aggregated count. That way, a remote system could
tell what the problem is, whereas "outside the allowed specifications"
only says "there are one or more problems being encountered; we'll
tell you how many problems have been encountered, but not which
problems have been encountered."

David Harrington

David Harrington

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