Hi Folks,

David and I would like to hand off this final version to Sam for publication by Friday. I have performed an initial review and feel that the changes address the IETF Last Call items.

The changes requested from the IETF Last Call were:

Item 1) Severity Range - The range of the Severity is not bound. The WG decided that it needs to be bound in the range of 0 to 7 inclusive.

Item 2) Language Tags - BCP47 (RFC 4646) is the IETF standard for language tags. The document needs to be compliant with this standard. Section 7.3.3 specifies the use of ISO 639 (which was the only reference available at the time we discussed languages in the mailing list.) Sam asked that we need to change the language tags to BCP47 to justify our decision. I've found no compelling reason to continue to use the ISO 639 tags. We need to change that paragraph to state that BCP47 language tags will be used. The current "MAY" in Section 7.3.3 should still be used.

Item 3 - Deadlocks - There was a lengthy discussion about using a reliable delivery mechanism for syslog and how certain circumstances could cause the loss of messages. (I personally felt it was not addressing any normative text in the document.) A note about "deadlocks" in Section 8.5 has been requested by Sam. This will need to be short.

Item 4 - IANA - We should review the document to see if there are any IANA registry values that may be revised by IETF Consensus rather than Standards Actions. I'll make a review and let you know if I find anything.

Item 5 - Definitions - The definitions of "sender" "receiver" "relay", "originator" and "collector" need to be tightened up. They are somewhat inconsistent now and are required by the -device-mib document.

You may view the differences between -19 and -20 here:
Click on "draft-ietf-syslog-protocol" and select your method of seeing the diffs from -19.

Please submit any comments you have to the WG that concern how Rainer addressed these issues in this document.


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