On Friday 02 August 2013 10:34:37 Tom Gundersen wrote:
> When you point init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd, systemd will be PID1 and
> it will start your default.target (typically pointing to
> multi-user.target or graphical.target), which will pull in all the
> needed dependencies

thanks for your reply
Would you care to elaborate what  PID1 is please?

 I shall presume the so called default target in this instance  is multi-user-
target.as   I am not using X windows and hopefully  wont ever need systemd for 

Now I have put custom service files in /etc/systemd./system 
I am  using my own service and mount files to mount kernel-based filesystems 
and the root filesysem. I am  using my own service files for  for hwclock, ntp 
, rsyslog and  network cofiguration.  How will systemd know how to use the 
files I put in /etc/systemd/system and not try and substitute so called 
'defaut' ones?

advice would be appreciated.


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