On Nov 29, 2013 1:30 AM, "Cecil Westerhof" <cecil.wester...@snow.nl> wrote:
> How does systemd compare to xinitd?

Did you mean inetd/xinetd?

systemd's .socket units are very similar (many existing programs, like
sshd, can be moved directly from inetd to systemd -- Accept=yes corresponds
to the 'nowait' type, and Accept=no to 'wait'), but since each . socket
unit starts a corresponding . service unit, you get the same systemd
features as with regular services -- dependencies, resource limits, process
tracking, etc.

On the other hand, there is no support for things like TCPMUX, SunRPC
services (though Avahi integration was planned once), or some more obscure
xinetd options.

While both systems support both methods, systemd's socket activation is
more often used to pass the *listener* socket to the service, which still
does all accepting itself (e.g. both DBus and udev start this way);
meanwhile, I see inetd more often used to start one instance per connection.
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