On 15/03/2014 07:11 , Lennart Poettering wrote:
On Fri, 14.03.14 08:53, Peter Hutterer (peter.hutte...@who-t.net) wrote:


I have a service file wacom-inputattach@.service that is started from a udev

   SUBSYSTEM=="tty|pnp", KERNEL=="ttyS[0-9]*", ATTRS{id}=="WACf*",
   TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}+="wacom-inputattach@%k.service"

and the service file then runs:

   ExecStart=/usr/bin/inputattach -w8001 /dev/%I

That works fine, but now I need to pass a second parameter into the service
file. Ideally I want to run something like:

   ExecStart=/usr/bin/inputattach --baud $BAUD -w8001 /dev/%I

I can set the baud rate based on ATTRS{id} in the udev rule, I just don't
know if there is a way to pass this to the service file. Is there a way to
do this or do I need to write a wrapper?

No this is currently not possible, instances can only have one instance
identifier. Any chance you can maybe adapt inputattach to use simple
libudev calls to read the props from the device on its own? That way the
thing would always work, even if people call it from the command line?
Should be like 10 lines of code or so.

   fstat(tty_fd, &st);
   udev = udev_new();
   d = udev_device_new_from_devnum(udev, 'c', st.st_rdev);
   baud_str = udev_device_get_property_value(d, "WACOM_BAUDRATE");
   baud = atoi(bau_str);

And then set WACOM_BAUDRATE from an udev rule.

yeah, no worries, that's easy enough to do, I just wanted to know if there was an even easier way. thanks for the answers.

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