I get no sound in my desktop when using the following way to start the
desktop: from a virtual terminal, say vt2, run:

(setsid startx -- vt7 &).

That is, startx in a virtual terminal other than the current one. The
"setsid" is not relevant here, without it, (startx -- vt7 &) won't
work, either. However, if I play something in the desktop and then
SWITCH BACK to vt2, the sound comes. If I log into another virtual
terminal, for example, vt1, the sound comes, too. Just as long as I
switch back to desktop on vt7, the sound stops. Furthermore, if I
start X by:
(setsid startx -- vt2 &)

that is, in the same virtual terminal, then all problems are gone,
pulseaudio works perfectly.

At first, I thought this is because pulseaudio cannot correctly
recognize the current active session. But the pulseaudio developer
told me that it is because pulseaudio cannot get the permission to
access audio devices under /dev/snd/*. And these permission is
supposed to be set by systemd
(https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=76672). I've checked
that on my system: when in desktop(vt7), `getfacl /dev/snd/controlC0`
gives no acl permission to the current user while running the same
command in vt2 shows that correct acl permission is given to the
current user.

So I'm asking for help here. Is this a misconfiguration or a bug?
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