
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 07:45:28PM +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> Well, maybe some script in the boot process invokes "systemctl
> daemon-reload" or so? Anything in the logs?

None that I can find... Also, "journalctl | grep -i reload" returns nothing.

But anyway, I can reproduce this by disabling all networking-related services,
rebooting (to a networkless system), and then enabling/starting the relevant
(above) services. I'll try in a clean VM next and get back here...

As I said before, systemd-cgls shows the correct cgroup tree for all units.
Does it simply look in /proc, unlike systemctl?

> Maybe netctl is used in your initrd, and the reexec for the transition
> from initrd to the host os is the issue here?

No, netctl is not a part of my initramfs image... and neither is systemd for
that matter.

Leonid Isaev
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