Am 31.10.2014 um 18:10 schrieb Reindl Harald:
Am 31.10.2014 um 18:06 schrieb Fisher, Charles J. (Top Echelon):
From: systemd-devel
[] On Behalf Of
Reindl Harald

For some reason, the iptables didn't happen. Maybe it needs to be
fully qualified.

yes it needs to be as any other path
the documentation is very clear here

No, [unix] user oracle doesn't have permission to run iptables.

but it needs to be full qualified anyways

I either need to sudo something up, or put this elsewhere.
Letting different commands run with different uids/gids would be a
nice feature

"PermissionsStartOnly=true" exists and so you can have helper processes
as root while restrict the main process - anything else is hardly
maintainable with the now clear ini-style of a unit

BTW: add such a firewall rule to a systemd-unit is a *very* bad attitude, if it is your personal service in /etc fine, but you must not do that anywhere else

ExecStartPost=iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 1521 --syn -j ACCEPT

* who says that it should be reachable from everywhere
* who says it should be reachable on every interface
* who says that not firewalld or shorewall or something else
  does firewall managment on the machine and that this works
  hence in a different environment
* who configures iptables on that machine
* consider what harm are you doing to that person no understanding
  why a port is open while not in the global firewall defined
* even in your personal service it *does not* belog here
  it is called with every restart

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