В Mon, 27 Jul 2015 17:52:59 +0000
"Keller, Jacob E" <jacob.e.kel...@intel.com> пишет:

> Hello,
> I am working with a network device that can create virtual function
> devices. When I create a large (>8) vfs for this device I get some
> weird device names,
> If I create 64 vfs, I see something like:
> ens8
> ens8f[1-7]
> ens8s[1-7]
> enp8s[1-7]f[1-7]

All those names come directly from kernel. udev does not invent them -
this is exactly what lspci shows. If it does not match lspci, you
should provide more information.

> ens8f1-64 or something?

Then kernel should enumerate them so; you really need to discuss it
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