On Sat, 12 Sep 2015, Michał Zegan wrote:

It seems that I am able to change a hostname with hostnamectl set-hostname name without any problems, even logged in as unprivileged user, and I did not get any authentication requests. I did not modify polkit rules to allow this, not sure about the default ones, but they probably shouldn't allow that, just checked that implicit rules are auth_admin_keep, arch does not have vendor rules and I also do not have my own..

Did you check both /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/ and /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d/?

On my system (Fedora), gnome-control-center has added a rule to the latter directory to allow a local user set the hostname, locale, etc., if they are in the "wheel" group. Perhaps you have something similar?

You can test whether PolicyKit is allowing the action with:

  pkcheck --action-id org.freedesktop.hostname1.set-hostname \
    --process $$ --allow-user-interaction

If this exits successfully, then it's something in your PolicyKit configuration allowing the action, not systemd.

- Michael
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