On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 8:13 PM, Matthew Hall <mh...@mhcomputing.net> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 10:37:56AM +0100, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> > Since time began eth* is where the kernel automatically picked iface
> > names from. If you want to assign your own names go for some other
> > namespace, or be prepared to race against the kernel, and deal with
> > it.
> >
> > Lennart
> Again, this logic worked well when the level of dynamism was lower.
> But now the level of dynamism is higher and different principles should
> apply.

And systemd is the cause of that dynamism how exactly? If you're
complaining that the kernel started probing & detecting devices in a less
stable order, then you're complaining in very much the wrong place (and
maybe during the wrong decade).

The two times udev was involved in network interface naming, it was to make
the names _more stable_, not less. Perhaps your earlier systems had an
autogenerated .rules file which would make the names static – this was
implemented via udev (though I don't remember if it was Debian-specific or
upstream). Fedora for a while used "biosdevname" to make the names static –
this was also implemented via udev. And so on...

> You aren't thinking very much about how it will work for newer users.

Well, you've been using UNIX for 24 years, you're not exactly a "newer"

And new users don't have any problems with the enp* scheme (probably
because they _aren't_ used to eth*) – they see enp1s0, wlp2s0 in `ip link`
and they successfully use those.


Either way, I remain convinced that you have not the slightest idea what
you're talking about.

You say, "This new way steals the old eth* namespace everybody was
comfortable with, despite its issues, and makes it a lot more random and
full of weird dynamic stuff.", even though this "new way" is the _exact
opposite_ of that.

The "persistent naming" that you linked to _does not_ use the eth*
namespace for anything, nor does it use random names anywhere – it
specifically avoids that, using enp* prefixes and PCI-based names. You've
been ranting all this time about entirely irrelevant things.

Mantas Mikulėnas <graw...@gmail.com>
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