Lennart Poettering wrote on 11/02/16 17:49:
> On Thu, 11.02.16 18:29, Matthias Urlichs (matth...@urlichs.de) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Lennart Poettering:
>>> 5) Here's the controversial one I think: support for booting up
>>>    without /var.
>> Meh. I have quite a few multi-boot systems with a common /var/log
>> partition. Plus, unlike the other "spring cleaning" changes this would
>> cause a boot failure after update.
> Again: this does not break systems with split off /var, as I tried to
> make very clear in my original mail. All that's needed is that the
> initrd mounts /var before handing off control to the main system.
> The initrd already does that for / and for /usr, hence /var is just
> one more step.

Hmmm, has all the split-usr code been fully removed from systemd now? A
quick grep suggests not.

While I don't personally have a problem with this removal, I do think
that comparing it to /usr is bogus.

While you may not *support* /usr being split out and mounted by /, it
does still work and systemd *is* still sympathetic to that.

The situation with /var is much more brutal. You're suggesting that it
would now be something that *has* to be done by the initrd and if you go
down that route, you may as well ditch all the split-usr stuff too as if
the initrd *has* to mount /var, it may as well do /usr too now even if
there were some hold outs.

Like I say, I get your reasoning for wanting to do this, but it's not
really comparable to /usr support.



Colin Guthrie

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