Sorry for directing this question here, but I did not find any mailing list 
that would be a better fit.

Problem: I'm running an HPC benchmarking cluster. We are evaluating 
RH7/CentOS7/OL7 and have a problem with system noise generated by the systemd 
components (v 219-19.0.2, see below). 

Background: All cores of the CPU (up to 288) are utilized 99.99% by the 
application. Because of the tight coupling node to node (of programs running on 
200+ nodes) every time an OS process wakes up this automatically delays EVERY 
process on EVERY node. As those small interruptions are not synchronized over 
the cluster, the overall effect on the effective performance is "time of the 
single delay" times "number of nodes in the job". Therefore we need to keep the 
OS of our systems are stripped down to an absolute bare minimum.

a) we have no use for any type of logging. The only log we have is kernel dmesg
b) there is only a single user at any time on the system (logging in via ssh).
c) The only demons running are those necessary for NFS, ntp and sshd. 
d) we do not run Gnome or similar desktop.

Goal: For these reasons we want to shut down dbus-daemon, systemd-journald, 
systemd-logind and after startup also systemd-udevd. In our special case they 
do not serve any purpose. Unfortunately the basic configuration options do not 
allow this.

        Can you provide any guidance?
        Will PID 1 (systemd) continue to do its work (first tests were already 
        What are security implications when shutting down systemd-logind?
        Is there any mailing list better suited you can point me too?

Thanks for any help you can provide


Michael Hebenstreit                 Senior Cluster Architect
Intel Corporation, MS: RR1-105/H14  Software and Services Group/DCE
4100 Sara Road                      Tel.:   +1 505-794-3144 
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
UNITED STATES                       E-mail:

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