uhm the real question was: If I am already in the wheel group, how can I
see the journal of other user? I believe that journalctl does not merge
journals of all users in the system, does it? Even if it does, I believe
it would be quite useful to be able to do journalctl --user someone and
view his journal.

W dniu 12.07.2016 o 11:36, Lennart Poettering pisze:
> On Sat, 09.07.16 22:45, Michał Zegan (webczat_...@poczta.onet.pl) wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I believe administrators, like groups wheel and adm at least, have
>> access to read system journal and journals of all users.
>> journalctl can show the journal of the current user, system journal or
>> merge both of them. Could you please add the possibility to see the logs
>> of others, if not already present?
> Hmm? Add yourself to the "wheel", "adm" or "systemd-journal" groups to
> see other user's logs. If you are not a member of any of these groups
> you won't get access though, for a good reason, as logs should be
> private to users. There really needs to be an authenticated operation
> in place before access can be granted, and that's done via the group
> membership of any of the three groups mentioned above.
> Lennart

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