On Tue, 02.05.17 08:38, Chris Trobridge (christrobri...@hotmail.com) wrote:
> Using 230/231:
> I just switched from using the systemd Unit interface to control services via 
> dbus to using the systemd Manager interface so that I could control access 
> via polkit-1.
> Using EnableUnitFiles and DisableUnitFiles, I noticed the expected changes to 
> symlinks were being made but the unit file status (systemctl status, dbus) 
> was not changing.
> Reloading the units files with systemctl reload-daemon or  dbus Manager 
> Reload method cause the unit file state to update.
> I don't know whether this is expected behaviour or not but I didn't find it 
> obvious from the documentation so I am putting this out in case it helps 
> anyone.

This is expected behaviour, and permits you to make multiple changes
that are then put into effect in one go (though it still won't be full
transaction scheme). "systemctl enable" will always implicitly follow
all changes by a reload, exept if you specify --no-reload.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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