31.12.2019 08:34, Kamal Rathi пишет:
> Hi Git-Hub Mailing List,
> I am designing a stop service which has to be run before the kill of user's
> scope / session .
> As the reboot or shutdown are being initiated the systemd kill all the
> users which are in user's.slice
> before the script ran so the script is of no use if the user session are
> killed first then the stop.service
> stop.service
> [Unit]
> Description=Service to auto stop the EBS application
> DefaultDependencies=no
> Before=shutdown.target
> RefuseManualStart=true
> [Service]
> Type=oneshot
> ExecStart=/startdb/stop/stop.sh
> [Install]
> WantedBy=shutdown.target reboot.target

This cannot work. systemd first stops everything then starts shutdown
target. Your unit is only pulled in at the moment shutdown target is

> https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/14318

You have been told there how it should be done properly. What is the
point to start your question here with the same non-working variant?
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