On 28.09.2022 09:25, Ulrich Windl wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to establish a mechanism that uses a generator-like mechanism as 
> described below. Unfortunately it starts when triggering the target manually, 
> but it never starts on system boot. I could need some advice how to make it 
> work.
> Basically I have a generator-like unit, say "g.servive", that creates other 
> instance-like services like i@.service.
> Finally I have a target, say "t.target", that wants (among others) those 
> instance-like services and is wanted by default.target.
> As said in the beginning: When booting the target does not start (and I don't 
> see any errors logged), but when I "systemctl start t.target", everything 
> starts up fine.
> More details:
> generator-like services:
> WantedBy default.target and t.target, and it "Wants=nss-user-lookup.target 
> time-sync.target  paths.target" (the Before= list is identical). In addition 
> it has "Before=default.target t.target".
> It starts a "oneshot" script that creates the instance-like services with 
> RemainAfterExit=true.
> instance-like services:
> PartOf=t.target, Requires generator-like.service (also After that service). 
> In addition it "Wants=nss-user-lookup.target time-sync.target paths.target" 
> (After= uses the same list). The service is Type=forking, and the unit is 
> WantedBy=t.target
> The script used in the generator-like service creates the unit files in 
> /run/systemd/system, and it runs "/usr/bin/systemctl daemon-reload" whenever 
> a unit file had been created or changed.

daemon-reload does not re-evaluate initial "transaction" and your new
units are not used because they did not exist when this transaction was

So the only way to squeeze it into your scheme is to manually start
newly created units.

> Could be problem be a race-condition, caused by daemon-reload being run 
> asynchronously, i.e.: The generator-like service unit ends while the actual 
> daemon-reload is still in progress?
> systemd version is from SLES12 SP5 (systemd-228-157.40.1.x86_64).
> Regards,
> Ulrich

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