Yeah, so far we (tailscale) haven't found a good way to run on the Steam Deck 
at bootup, and also survive the A/B OS updates. Systemd system extensions _can_ 
be activated during bootup, if you place the extension in one of the well-known 
locations (/var/lib/extensions would be the one to use on Deck, as iirc it 
survives A/B upgrades), and the systemd-sysext service is enabled.

I would check if systemd-sysext.service is enabled on the deck, and if not, 
file a request with Valve to enable that service in a future update. You should 
present it as enabling further customization of their platform.

Another possible reason that sysexts aren't working for you, is that the Deck's 
/etc/os-release doesn't define a SYSEXT_LEVEL, and the VERSION_ID changes with 
every OS update. Because of this, the system extension will refuse to activate 
after every update (either SYSEXT_LEVEL or VERSION_ID must match exactly), 
until you rebuild a new image with the right OS metadata. Asking Valve to set 
SYSEXT_LEVEL to a stable value would make it even easier to provide Deck OS 
extensions reliably :)

- Dave

On Thu, Oct 6, 2022, at 12:08, Arian van Putten wrote:
> Afaik Portable services run in an isolated root and dont have access to the 
> hosts rootfs.  You'd have go include iptables and all its dependencies in the 
> portable services directory. If you don't want to do that you'd have to use 
> BindReadOnlyPaths= to give the service access to the required host paths or 
> you'd have to use a system extension.
> That's probably why they advice running as a system extension. 
> I think there are mechanisms for setting up system extensions on startup but 
> I'm not familiar enough with the details. Maybe someone else in the list 
> knows.
> On Thu, 6 Oct 2022, 20:21 Duncan Gibson, <> wrote:
>> Hi, everyone.
>> The high-level overview: I'm trying to install Tailscale 
>> <> as a portable service on my Steam Deck. 
>> Tailscale is a point-to-point VPN service, essentially a wrapper around 
>> Wireguard that helps with network setup and management. The Steam Deck is 
>> Valve's handheld PC running SteamOS 3, which is derived from Arch. It uses 
>> an A/B partition system for system files, meaning you can't install a 
>> service the normal way.
>> There *is* a guide to do this <>, 
>> posted on their own blog, but it uses system extensions which aren't good 
>> for services that you want to run on startup. Indeed, following that guide 
>> puts me in a state where I have to manually start the daemon every time I 
>> reboot my Deck, even with the service enabled.
>> Let's move on to how I've started to do this.
>> Tailscale is available through most package managers, but they also publish 
>> static binaries with systemd unit files 
>> <>. 
>> This script grabs that binary, extracts it, and moves it into a portable 
>> service directory structure.
>> # download and extract Tailscale
>> tarball="$(curl -s '' | jq -r 
>> .Tarballs.amd64)"
>> version="$(echo ${tarball} | cut -d_ -f2)"
>> tar_dir="$(echo ${tarball} | cut -d. -f1-3)"
>> curl -s "${tarball}"; -o tailscale.tgz
>> tar xzf tailscale.tgz
>> test -d $tar_dir
>> # Set up our target directory structure
>> mkdir -p 
>> tailscaled/{usr/{bin,sbin,lib/systemd/system},etc,proc,sys,dev,run,/var/tmp}
>> # Copy tailscale-distributed files to the right place
>> cp -rf $tar_dir/tailscaled tailscaled/usr/sbin/tailscaled
>> cp -rf $tar_dir/systemd/tailscaled.service 
>> tailscaled/usr/lib/systemd/system/tailscaled.service
>> # Write service os-release file
>> source /etc/os-release
>> cp -rf /etc/os-release tailscaled/etc/os-release
>> Not automated yet is patching the provided unit file - you need to remove 
>> the EnvironmentFile line and "--port $PORT $FLAGS" options, and add 
>> [Exec]
>> Environment="PATH=/usr/bin"
>> Attach the portable service: sudo portablectl attach ./tailscaled 
>> --profile=trusted
>> and try starting it: sudo systemctl start tailscaled
>> It fails, leaving this in the logs:
>> `logtail started `
>> `Program starting: v1.30.2-t24c524c78-gc399ae6fa, Go 1.19.1-tsb13188dd36: 
>> []string{"/usr/sbin/tailscaled", 
>> "--state=/var/lib/tailscale/tailscaled.state", 
>> "--socket=/run/tailscale/tailscaled.sock"} `
>> `LogID: 0f59ed267a2b19cc28aac9ee7119914000ca478234af8d56893a025ae72cc647 `
>> `logpolicy: using $STATE_DIRECTORY, "/var/lib/tailscale" `
>> `wgengine.NewUserspaceEngine(tun "tailscale0") ... `
>> `wgengine.NewUserspaceEngine(tun "tailscale0") error: creating router: could 
>> not get iptables version: fork/exec /usr/bin/iptables: no such file or 
>> directory flushing log. `
>> `logger closing down `
>> `createEngine: creating router: could not get iptables version: fork/exec 
>> /usr/bin/iptables: no such file or directory`
>> iptables is, in fact, at /usr/bin/iptables, so what am I missing? Before I 
>> added the Environment line, I was getting errors that iptables wasn't on the 
>> PATH, so I suspect that now tailscaled can *see* iptables, but systemd isn't 
>> letting tailscaled run it.
>> Thanks for having a look at this.

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