Mommas, don't let your daughters grow up to be Pappas!

Goucher -- I can see those distance wonks on the list keeping this guy

alive until the end.  The rest of us have to start ganging up.  I can think

of 5,000 reasons to ding him--all metric.

Pascal Dobert- GONE

He's no mark davis...

adam setliff- too many throwers in there.

where's kennedy's name, shouldn't he still be in?

How in the world can Angelo be gone?  Everytime I've met and talked to him, 
he is the nicest guy.  All these damn distance-only guys are so damn 
prejudiced, it's unbelievable.  What was one of the comments, "if he ever 
becomes a great 400ih?"  Get the hell out of here.  Smoke some more.

And bring while we are at it, bring back MJ and MO - those are the 2 guys

I'd MOST want

to get together with.  Don't care if they sit and brag about themselves for

4 straight hours, 

they are still the most exciting guys in Track & Field.

OK, let's get rid of the $6,000,000 Man (oops, that's a different Austin).

Pappas--You never print my comments, so I'll bet you won't print this one 
either. PHFFFFFT!!!!!

Angelo Taylor: his utensil technique probably like his hurdling technique

Get rid of Lance Deal. It is time to start showing the field event guys the 
and getting down to the business of crowning Adam Goucher the winner. Why 
I'm going to get beat up for this, but the only reason I can dream up 
as it may be) is that he is an old guy. I have nothing against old distance
runners though.

Tom Pappas, I've had a change of heart and switched candidates. I just 
remembered what a really bad beard he has. It needs to go for the Olympics.

Pappas- looks too much like the lead singer of Simply Red

Dobert,  probably doesn't like McDonalds anyway.  That's where you're going 

Keeping my hopes up for a Setliff ejection.  Why??  I can't identify him . . 
. he
would show up and I would confuse him with the guy who sprays the lawn for 

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