we can thank the ncaa for further limiting the pool of people . . . considering that 
the ncaa won't even allow one full scholarship per championship event, adding the 
marathon to the ncaa slate wouldn't necessarily help a lot.  for coaches, it would be 
just one more event over which to stretch, what is it, 14.5 scholarships?  the ncaa 
doesn't seem to provide an answer to these 'woes'.  

--- "P.F.Talbot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>If more guys turned to the marathon earlier say 18-22 years old, we might
>have a much broader base for the marathon corps at the national and
>international level.  As it is, most guys don't think about the marathon
>until they are out of school and faced with all sorts of pressures (like
>eating and putting a roof over their head).  Obviously people can cope
>with these things, I simply suggest that the college distance system
>limits the pool of people who will try the marathon.
>Whether this is good or bad I don't know....

"Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse assail him, impale him with 
monster-truck force . . . " - Cake

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