In a message dated 10/12/00 7:18:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> I have also seen it in one or two sub 4:00 type miles - usually someone who
>  was near the front and faded down the stretch while trying desperately to
>  hang on.  I have seen it in open and masters runners running between 4:15
>  and 4:30.  And I have seen it in high school perhaps more than any other
>  time, although I have watched a lot more high school miles than any other
>  kind.
>  If it is indeed more common in high school, does that suggest anything 
>  its cause?
>  - Ed Parrot

It would generally indicate a mental lapse more than a physical lapse. She 
may not have any more control of a mental breakdown than a physical 
breakdown. I don't fault her for that, what I do have a problem with is the 
search for an excuse. She will do her image more harm with these litany of 
supposed reasons. If it was me, I would simply state "I honestly fight with 
all I have, there comes a point when I am mentally done and my body fails."

Mike Platt

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