Conway Hill wrote
>I think the negative criticism comes from the fact that:

>1) Trying and failing usually doesn't get you a whole lot of points

Better to really have a go than sit in the pack and show no initiative. She
asked for more than what was there. It is the type of thing that many people
who really want it would do.

>2) Having run 3:57 much was expected

Even EL G had trouble running fast in Sydney at that time of year. The
Olympics is really just another race , the problem is it the one with a
bigger prize.

>3) She has a history of failing and literally falling in big races.

She is small. It is as simple as that. How tall is she and her weight?
(another story is how to improve running stability and balance ie. Med balls
and simulation of rough races in training.

> And when you try a lot and fail you get a reputation that is
in accordance with that ..

I would rather be known as a loser and a tryer. In fact it would be aesier
to live with than the most common - Gutless losers who say they really tried
when in fact they had lost before they got to the start line.

Steve Bennett

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