I read through this 379-line e-mail, and have yet to
figure out what exactly the writers are asking USATF
to do.
Maybe I overlooked it.

Start channelling <all> USATF development money through
clubs which meet the definitions outlined?  (which would
force all elite athletes to become members of such clubs)
The message body didn't say that.

Are the writers asking USATF to coordinate organizational
expertise and advisory services to set up such clubs?
The message body didn't say that either.

I don't think there's anything today which would
prevent such clubs from being set up.

So who is the intended audience for this theoretical
plan, and what are you asking of them?

I'm missing something here.
You imply that the key to 'growing the sport', making it
popular in the American sports environment, and so on,
is that these clubs need to exist.
Is this in ADDITION to the current 'system', or replacing
the current system?
If an aspiring elite athlete doesn't want to be a member
of such a club, would he/she lose USATF support under
your plan?


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