Darrell wrote:

> 1. Kevin Young 46.48!  The culmination of ten years of blood, sweat, and
> tears.  The whole race was a thing of beauty, his easy strides, and
> demeanor were fulfilling.  And it was something that was never done

Kevin was actually 46.78, but still an awesome performance by any stretch of
the imagination .. And is probably right up there with Michael's 19.32 .. It
may be more than a decade before it is even appraoched since the record it
erased was pretty much unapporachable ..

> 3. Tommie Smith/Bob Beamon 1968
> Bob's jump and subsequent reaction are things that dreams are made of.
> It was not Tommie that makes this race memorable, it was the reaction of
> Carlos.

I agree that Carlos mid race reaction to Tommie going past helped make the
race memorable .. But in what world championship final have you ever seen
anyone come from so far back to win by such a margin ?? With the exception
of the let down race at this year's Olympics, World Championship 200s are
almost always won from the front .. And when the race is won from "behind (a
la this year or Frederick's in 1993 at the worlds) the person is already "in
the pack" and wins by a relatively small margin .. Tommie blasted this race
from behind and won going away - after injuring a hamstring in his semi !!!!

Conway Hill

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