Ron Clarke told this story about Zatopek,  and referred to it as
the "epitomy of fame".

   Clarke paid a visit to Zatopek in Prague,  many years after Zatopek
had retired.  Zatopek took Clarke for a run in the forest he used to
train in,  and Clarke said Zatopek was still very fit,  that he ran
through the forest "like a madman".
   Then they went shopping for some crystal the area is famous for.
   Zatopek drove down the street, took a U-turn,  parked in a no-parking
zone, and got out of the car to go shopping.  A policeman ran down the
street blowing his whistle and shouting at the violators until he got
close enough to recognize which point,  he exclaimed
"Emil!!!",  burst into a smile,  asked for an autograph,  and told
Zatopek and Clarke to enjoy their shopping.
   After a considerable time in the crystal shop,  they emerged,  and
Zatopek's car wasn't in front of the shop.  Zatopek first looked left
and then right,  where he spotted his car well down the street.  So he
signalled and whistled,  and the original police officer drove the car
back up the street,  opened the doors for Clarke and Zatopek,  shook
their hands and wished them well,  and off they drove.
   Clarke told the story to illustrate the tremendous fame and respect
that Zatopek had in his country,  even many years after his athletic

Ron Bowker

At 12:25 PM 11/22/2000 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>The best thing the amazing Emil Zatopek ever did was to give one of his 
>Olympic 5,000-meter gold medals to the legendary Ron Clarke. From all I've 
>heard and read, Zapopek was an absolutely terrific man. He will be missed.
>Steve Lurie

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