When the "outcome" of the race is a forgone conclusion the predetermined
winner is allowed to focus only on the time and the even pacing that usually
yields the fastest time for a given athlete.  This is clearly an advantage,
and from what the press release said is clearly what they were planning for
Runyan. This is not a valid competition.

I have often thought that the only way that the steeple or 5k or 10k WR's
will ever be lowered SUBSTANTIALLY FURTHER is if races could be organized
with 3 stages of rabbits to run really steadily (at WR pace) until the last
2-4 laps ... AND the pre-ordained "winner" (the WR attempter) would have the
cooperation of all the other runners NOT to compete (but only to give the
race the appearance of a competition). 

7:55, and 12:39 and 26:22 may be broken ... but only by very little , unless
the winner was pre-determined and the race is a sham. 

The meets that have the resources for a WR attempt (money for the runner,
money for the three rabbits, a fast track, good crowd, weather, etc.) are
also the ones where EVERY runner in the field WANTS TO WIN or TRY TO WIN.
So it wouldn't work.

If you get a runner like Geb, to enlist three Ethiopian rabbits (Wolde,
Mekkonnen, and one other) and try this at a smaller meet (like Hengelo), it
might work.  But, you would have to have 4-6 other guys filing in behind
him, to make it look like a competition.  And, they would have to be fast
enough that they DON'T GET LAPPED, or it will just slow things down.

Anyway, back to the original question:  Runyan is likely capable of 15:10-15
... especially on a fast track ... so they better settle this question of
whether it will constitute a "record" before the gun goes off.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed & Dana Parrot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: Will this race be valid for record ratification?

> Nobody detests rabbited races more than I, but in this situation i suspect
there's a certain element of (misguided) "humanitarian concern," relative to
Runyan's blindness.
> gh

I suspect that gh may be right, in which case this is the same BS as the
Casey Martin situation in golf.  I can remember many situations where indoor
records would likely have not been broken but for jostling and running wide.
To specifically allow her a clear field just because she is blind gives her
an advantage over everyone else.  If she can't compete as well indoors
because of her disability, that's too bad.  Plenty of people can't compete
as well indoors due to a ariety of physical attributes.

If Marla wins in a runaway, the damage has already been done.  It may be
difficult for the ratifiers/rulemakers to disqualify a record based solely
on press releases.  Remember the Kenyan steepler who admitted to having been
"given" the win in the press but was not disqualified because of subsequent
denials/clarifications?  And the threat of possible legal action could
further muddy the waters.

Here's hoping that Runyan doesn't come close to the record, removing most of
the issue.  It still may affect top ten lists, however. . .

- Ed Parrot

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