Shawn Devereaux asks:
> Anyway, has anybody ever considered the idea of only allowing marks at
> World Championships or Olympic Games to be eligible for a world record?

People have considered that -- and in fact done a small scale variant
of it:  it used to be (and maybe still is in some states) that a
state high school record could only be set in the state meet.  The
problem is that for every record holder there can be a bunch of
qualifications:  he/she holds the state record, but x, from my town
actually ran faster last year, and y and z ran faster years earlier
somewhere else.

If you don't trust local officials, I suppose that is what you do, but
one of the other results is that it makes being a record holder a sort of
technicality and it contributes yet another complication to trying to
explain the sport to anyone.

I think at least most such states have given that up as a bad idea by

Pat Palmer

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